Types of Electronic Components:
Integrated Circuits (IC): Integrated circuits, which combine processors, memory chips, sensors, and many other functions onto a single chip, are the main components of modern electronic devices.
Passive Components: Passive components such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors are the basic building blocks of electronic circuits. Resistors limit electric current, capacitors store energy, and inductors create magnetic fields.
Semiconductors: Semiconductor materials are fundamental materials used in electronic circuits, including transistors, diodes, and solar cells.
Active Components: Active components such as transistors, thyristors, and op-amps are used to process and control electronic signals.
Connectors and Sockets: Connectors, sockets, and connectors used in electronic circuits provide connectivity, allowing components to be connected to each other and to the circuit board.
Electronic Component Procurement Process:
Supplier Selection: Selecting appropriate suppliers is crucial for reliable and high-quality electronic component procurement. Suppliers are evaluated based on their past performance, product quality, and continuous supply capacity.
Pricing and Agreements: Component prices are determined based on quantity and quality. Pricing and supply agreements are negotiated with suppliers.
Ordering and Delivery: Orders are placed for selected components, and products are obtained from suppliers within specified delivery times.
Quality Control: Checking the quality of electronic components received ensures the reliability of your manufacturing processes.